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University Lecturer

Education/Teaching | Full-time | Zhanjiang | Posted by:Icy123     Jan 04 13:22      share
Email:6440*********    Tel:1596*********     Working City:Zhanjiang   Hits:

Cooking/Food Technology Leturer

1. Cooking, gourmet or baking professional (Because this professional usually will not have a high degree, Bachelor Degree is also acceptable if his/her industry experience is rich);
 2. Good at Western pastry making, dessert making
 3. Have more than 2 years of industry experience
 4. Have the conditions for face to face teaching (better more than 4 weeks)
 1. PhD degree in food technology or related majors; Master degree, Bachelor Degree or lower is also acceptable if his/her industry experience is very rich)
 2. Have more than 2 years of teaching experience;
 3. Have the conditions for onsite teaching (better more than 4 weeks)

A reward of 8000 below RMB will be offered for successful referrals !

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Report Abuse     Jobs Offered ID: 62953

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